Docker Compose

Run deepstream together with a RethinkDB storage provider, a Redis cache provider and a RethinkDB search provider which allows to subscribe to realtime queries.

Get more details about Docker in general and about the deepstream standalone Docker in the Docker image tutorial

What is Docker Compose?

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure your application’s services. Then, using a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration.

How to use Docker compose with deepstream?

Docker compose consumes a YAML file which contains a description of the containers and how there are linked. Setup it looks like this:


version: '2'
        image: deepstreamio/
            - "6020:6020"
            - ./conf:/conf
            - redis
            - rethinkdb
        image: deepstreamio/provider-search-rethinkdb
            - DEEPSTREAM_HOST=deepstream
            - DEEPSTREAM_PORT=6020
            - RETHINKDB_HOST=rethinkdb
            - deepstream
        image: redis:alpine
            - "6379:6379"
        image: rethinkdb
            - "28015:28015"
            - "8080:8080"
            - ./rethinkdb_data:/data/rethinkdb_data

The compose file defines four services:

  • deepstream - the deepstream server
  • deepstream-search-provider - a deepstream client which handles the realtime queries of RethinkDB
  • redis - Redis server which is used as both cache and message layer for deepstream
  • rethinkdb - RethinkDB as the storage layer for deepstream

The services are accessible to each other via the service name as the hostname. We will need this value in the deepstream configuration later.

Explanation of properties of a service:

  • image URL of the image from the Docker Hub registry
  • ports port forwarding of the exposed ports on the container to the port on the host machine
  • volumes mount and share the directory from the host machine to the container
  • depends_on defines a dependency which affects the starting order of the containers
  • environment set environment variables in the container

By default deepstream will not use any connectors for the storage, cache and message layer. This means you need to provide a configuration file and set the options for the connectors. The easiest way to do this is by copying all the files from the conf/ directory into your conf directory next to the compose file.

Then change the plugins section to:

    name: redis
        host: redis
        port: 6379

    name: rethinkdb
        host: rethinkdb
        port: 28015
        splitChar: /

Now you can run all containers with just one command:

docker-compose up

If you want to build the deepstream images from the Dockerfiles instead you can checkout our Docker Repository on GitHub