Open Source Contribution Guidelines

We love getting feedback and contributions from the opensource community. Please try to adhere to this guide when reporting any issues or making any changes.

PRs and Code Contributions

  • Tests must pass and not reduce coverage
  • Any changes, bug fixes or new features must include relevant tests
  • Pull requests should be made to the master branch.
  • Before we can accept your pull requests, you need to sign our Contributor License Agreement

Ways to contribute

Logging Issues

All issues should include the and client language and version.

For issues related to the server, please include the results of running:

deepstream info

Which will print out something similar to this:

// TODO: V4 Update

  "deepstreamVersion": "1.0.0-rc.3",
  "gitRef": "d638e19f6e081601add6b98270f64acde80243ca",
  "buildTime": "Mon Jul 04 2016 11:12:31 GMT+0200 (CEST)",
  "platform": "darwin",
  "arch": "x64",
  "nodeVersion": "v4.4.5",
  "libs": [


We’re always looking to improve documentation, weed out those typos that sneak past us and add tutorials on the plethora of things we can integrate. If you feel anything needs to be clarified, would like to write/see a guide on how to use it with your favourite framework or anything else just raise an issue here


deepstream uses a minimal text based protocol, and as such can work with any language on an internet enabled device. Want to support your language of choice? Join the conversations on github or write your own. There are quite a few being built by the community and I’m sure they would love more collaborators!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.