Class Record

This class represents a single record - an observable dataset returned by client.record.getRecord(recordName)

{{>glossary record=true}}


boolean isReady()

Indicates whether the record data has been loaded from the platform.

boolean isDestroyed()

Return whether the record data has been destroyed. To continue using the record it will need to be re-requested via client.record.getRecord(name).

int version()

Return the record version.

String name()

Return the record name.

Record addRecordEventsListener(RecordEventsListener listener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: listener
  typ: RecordEventsListener
  des: The listener to add

Adds a Listener that will be invoked if a discard, delete or error event occurs.

Record record = client.record.getRecord("users/A");
record.addRecordEventsListener(new RecordEventsListener() {
  public void onError(String recordName, Event errorType, String errorMessage) {
    // handle error

  public void onRecordHasProviderChanged(String recordName, boolean hasProvider) {
    // handle provider changed

  public void onRecordDeleted(String recordName) {
    // handle record deleted

  public void onRecordDiscarded(String recordName) {
    // handle record discarded

Record removeRecordEventsListener(RecordEventsListener listener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: listener
  typ: RecordEventsListener
  des: The listener to remove

Remove listener added via addRecordEventsListener(listener).

Record setMergeStrategy(MergeStrategy strategy)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: strategy
  typ: MergeStrategy
  des: The name of the built in merge strategy to use

Set a merge strategy that comes with deepstream. These are currently LOCALWINS and REMOTEWINS.

record.setMergeStrategy(MergeStrategy.LOCAL_WINS); // always use local version during conflicts

record.setMergeStrategy(MergeStrategy.REMOTE_WINS); // always use remote version during conflicts

Record setMergeStrategy(RecordMergeStrategy strategy)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: strategy
  typ: RecordMergeStrategy
  des: The custom merge strategy to use

Set a custom merge strategy for the record.

class CustomMergeStrategy implements RecordMergeStrategy {
  public JsonElement merge(Record record, JsonElement remoteValue, int remoteVersion) throws RecordMergeStrategyException {
    // custom merge strategy logic here
    return null;

record.setMergeStrategy(new CustomMergeStrategy());

JsonElement get()

Gets the entire record data and should always return a JsonObject that might be empty.

JsonObject data = record.get();
// {
//   "name": "Homer",
//   "lastname": "Simpson"
// }

JsonElement get(String path)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: path
  typ: String
  des: The location of the data to retrieve

Gets the value at the path indicated. Because of the JSON library used, any values retrieved from the JsonObject will need to be cast accordingly, ie. object.getAsString() or object.getAsInt().

// with record data
// {
//  "name": "Yasser",
//  "pets": [ {
//    "type": "Dog",
//    "name": "Whiskey",
//    "age": 3
//  } ]
// }
// we can do
record.get("name") // JsonElement.getAsString()
record.get("pets[0]") // JsonElement.getAsJsonObject()
record.get("pets[0].age") // JsonElement.getAsInt()

Record set(Object value) throws DeepstreamRecordDestroyedException

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: value
  typ: Object
  des: The value to set

Set the value for the entire record.

Make sure that the Object passed in can be serialised to a JsonElement, otherwise it will throw a IllegalStateException. Best way to guarantee this is by setting Json friendly objects, such as Map. Since this is a root the object should also not be a primitive.

JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
data.addProperty.addProperty("name", "Homer");

Record set(String path, Object value) throws DeepstreamRecordDestroyedException

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: path
  typ: String
  des: The path with the JsonElement at which to set the value
  arg: value
  typ: Object
  des: The value to set

Set the value for a specific path in the Record data.

Make sure that the Object passed in can be serialised to a JsonElement, otherwise it will throw a IllegalStateException.

The best way to guarantee this is by setting Json friendly objects, such as Map.

record.set("lastname", "Simpson");

RecordSetResult setWithAck(Object data)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: data
  typ: Object
  des: The value to set

Set the value for the entire record.

Make sure that the Object passed in can be serialised to a JsonElement, otherwise it will throw a IllegalStateException. Best way to guarantee this is by setting Json friendly objects, such as Map. Since this is a root the object should also not be a primitive.

The RecordSetResult returned by this function will contain an error string or null, indicating the write success.

JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
data.addProperty("firstname", "Homer");
RecordSetResult result = record.setWithAck(data);
if (result.getResult() != null) {
  // handle error writing to record

RecordSetResult setWithAck(String path, Object data)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: path
  typ: String
  des: The path with the JsonElement at which to set the value
  arg: data
  typ: Object
  des: The value to set

Set the value for a specific path in the Record data.

Make sure that the Object passed in can be serialised to a JsonElement, otherwise it will throw a IllegalStateException.

The best way to guarantee this is by setting Json friendly objects, such as Map.

The RecordSetResult returned by this function will contain an error string or null, indicating the write success.

RecordSetResult result = record.setWithAck("lastname", "Simpson");
if (result.getResult() != null) {
  // handle error writing to record

Record subscribe(RecordPathChangedCallback callback) throws DeepstreamRecordDestroyedException

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: callback
  typ: RecordPathChangedCallback
  des: The listener to add

Registers a callback that will be invoked whenever the record’s value changes. Optionally passing the argument true will cause the callback to be invoked immediately with the records value.

record.subscribe(new RecordChangedCallback() {
    public void onRecordChanged(String recordName, JsonElement data) {
        // handle record changed

Record subscribe(String path, RecordPathChangedCallback callback) throws DeepstreamRecordDestroyedException

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: path
  typ: String
  des: The path with the JsonElement at which to set the value
  arg: callback
  typ: RecordPathChangedCallback
  des: The listener to add

Registers a callback that will be invoked whenever anything in the records path changes. Optionally passing the argument true will cause the callback to be invoked immediately with the records value.

record.subscribe("lastname", new RecordPathChangedCallback() {
  public void onRecordPathChanged(String recordName, String path, JsonElement data) {
    // handle path changed

Record subscribe(RecordChangeCallback callback) throws DeepstreamRecordDestroyedException

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: recordChangeCallback
  typ: RecordChangeCallback
  des: The listener to add

Removes a subscription previously made using subscribe(callback).

Record unsubscribe(String path, RecordPathChangedCallback callback) throws DeepstreamRecordDestroyedException

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: path
  typ: String
  des: The path to unsubscribe from
  arg: callback
  typ: RecordPathChangedCallback
  des: The listener to remove

Remove the listener added via subscribe(path,callback).

Record discard() throws DeepstreamRecordDestroyedException

Discards the record. This should be called whenever a part of an application no longer requires a record previously requested via client.record.getRecord(recordName).

Calling discard does not guarantee that all subscriptions will be unsubscribed.

If all usages of the same record have been discarded, the record will no longer be updated by deepstream and any further usages will require the record to be retrieved again via client.record.getRecord(recordName)

Once the record is successfully discard, the client will be notified via onRecordDiscarded(name)

Record delete() throws DeepstreamRecordDestroyedException

Deletes the record and notifies other users of its deletion. This in turn will force all clients to discard the record.

Once the record is successfully deleted, clients will be notified via onRecordDeleted(name)