JSON Endpoint

Learn how to configure a JSON based Websocket Endpoint

This page needs to be improved/might be out of date! Raise a PR if you feel like adding a few details or totally revamping it.

The JSON endpoint is available to help people to debug writing new SDKs and should not be used in production.

How to configure:


  - type: ws-json
      # url path websocket connections connect to
      urlPath: /deepstream-json
      # the amount of milliseconds between each ping/heartbeat message
      heartbeatInterval: 30000
      # the amount of milliseconds that writes to sockets are buffered
      outgoingBufferTimeout: 10
      # the maximum amount of bytes to buffer before flushing, stops the client from large enough packages
      # to block its responsiveness
      maxBufferByteSize: 100000

      # Security
      # amount of time a connection can remain open while not being logged in
      unauthenticatedClientTimeout: 180000
      # invalid login attempts before the connection is cut
      maxAuthAttempts: 3
      # maximum allowed size of an individual message in bytes
      maxMessageSize: 1048576


In the client options include:

socketOptions: {
  jsonTransportMode: true