Storage Plugin

Building your own storage plugin

Create a plugin to connect to any type of storage system out there, be it file, memory, disk, a url or anything else.

You can see the code for this here

Configuring the plugin

  1. Via config.yml:
        path: './storage/file-storage'
            directory: .
  2. Via deepstream constructor:
    import { Deepstream } from '@deepstream/server'
    export const deepstream = new Deepstream({
        storage: {
            path: './storage/file-storage',
            options: {
                directory: '.'
  3. Via deepstream setter:
    import { Deepstream } from '@deepstream/server'
    import FileStorage from './file-storage'
    const deepstream = new Deepstream({})
    deepstream.set('storage', new FileStorage({
        directory: '.'
    }, deepstream.getServices()))

Example Documented Plugin

import { DeepstreamPlugin, DeepstreamServices, DeepstreamStorage, StorageWriteCallback, StorageReadCallback, EVENT } from '@deepstream/types'
import * as fs from 'fs'

interface FileStorageOptions {
    directory: string

export default class FileStorage extends DeepstreamPlugin implements DeepstreamStorage {
    public description = 'File Storage'
    private logger ='FILE_STORAGE')

    constructor (private pluginOptions: FileStorageOptions, private services: Readonly<DeepstreamServices>) {

    public init () {
        if (typeof !== 'string') {
            this.logger.fatal(EVENT.ERROR, 'Missing or invalid directory option')
        const exists = fs.existsSync(
        if (!exists) {
            this.logger.fatal(EVENT.ERROR, `Missing directory ${}`)

     * Method to save a record to storage. Since storage is longer term we usually combined the version and head
     * together into one object. However that is an implementation detail, and some databases have a concept of version 
     * you can share!
    public set(recordName: string, version: number, data: any, callback: StorageWriteCallback): void {
        fs.writeFile(`${}/${recordName}`, JSON.stringify({ v: version, d: data }), (err) => {
            if (err) {
            } else {

     * Method to get a record from storage.
     * If the record doesn't exist you return a version of -1 and data as null
    public get(recordName: string, callback: StorageReadCallback): void {
        fs.readFile(`${}/${recordName}`, (err, content) => {
            if (err) {
                callback(null, -1, null)
            const value = JSON.parse(content.toString())
            callback(null, value.v, value.d)

     * Method to delete a record from storage.
    public delete(recordName: string, callback: StorageWriteCallback): void {
        fs.unlink(`${}/${recordName}`, (err) => {
            if (err) {
            } else {

     * Method to delete multiple records at once. This is used to reduce the amount of IO and 
     * callbacks.
    public deleteBulk(recordNames: string[], callback: StorageWriteCallback, metaData?: any): void {
        let count = 0
        const cb = () => {
            if (count === recordNames.length) {
        recordNames.forEach(name => this.delete(name, cb))