Monitoring Plugin
Building your own monitoring plugin
Create a plugin that monitors deepstream nodes
You can see the code for this here
Configuring the plugin
- Via config.yml:
monitoring: path: './monitoring/http-monitoring' options: url: /monitoring
- Via deepstream constructor:
import { Deepstream } from '@deepstream/server' export const deepstream = new Deepstream({ monitoring: { path: './monitoring/http-monitoring', options: { url: '/monitoring' } } }) deepstream.start()
- Via deepstream setter:
import { Deepstream } from '@deepstream/server' import HTTPMonitoring from './http-monitoring'; const deepstream = new Deepstream({}) deepstream.set('monitoring', new HTTPMonitoring({ url: '/monitoring' }, deepstream.getServices())) deepstream.start()
Example Documented Plugin
import { Message, ACTIONS } from '@deepstream/protobuf/dist/types/messages'
import { TOPIC, STATE_REGISTRY_TOPIC } from '@deepstream/protobuf/dist/types/all'
import { DeepstreamPlugin, DeepstreamMonitoring, DeepstreamServices, LOG_LEVEL, EVENT, DeepstreamHTTPMeta, DeepstreamHTTPResponse } from '@deepstream/types'
interface HTTPMonitoringOptions {
url: string
export default class HTTPMonitoring extends DeepstreamPlugin implements DeepstreamMonitoring {
public description = `HTTP Monitoring on ${this.pluginOptions.url}`
private errorLogs: { [index: string]: number } = {}
private receiveStats: { [index: string]: { [index: string]: number } } = {}
private sendStats: { [index: string]: { [index: string]: number } } = {}
private loginStats: { [index: string]: {
allowed: number,
declined: number
} } = {}
constructor (private pluginOptions: HTTPMonitoringOptions, private services: Readonly<DeepstreamServices>) {
public async whenReady (): Promise<void> {
await, (metaData: DeepstreamHTTPMeta, response: DeepstreamHTTPResponse) => {
response(null, this.getAndResetMonitoringStats())
public async close (): Promise<void> {
public onErrorLog (loglevel: LOG_LEVEL, event: EVENT, logMessage: string): void {
const count = this.errorLogs[event]
if (!count) {
this.errorLogs[event] = 1
} else {
this.errorLogs[event] = count + 1
* Called whenever a login attempt is tried and whether or not it succeeded, as well
* as the connection-endpoint type, which is provided from the connection endpoint
* itself
public onLogin (allowed: boolean, endpointType: string): void {
let stats = this.loginStats[endpointType]
if (!stats) {
stats = { allowed: 0, declined: 0 }
this.loginStats[endpointType] = stats
allowed ? stats.allowed++ : stats.declined++
public onMessageReceived (message: Message): void {
let actionsMap = this.receiveStats[TOPIC[message.topic]]
if (!actionsMap) {
actionsMap = {}
this.receiveStats[TOPIC[message.topic]] = actionsMap
const actionName = ACTIONS[message.topic][message.action!]
actionsMap[actionName] = actionsMap[actionName] ? actionsMap[actionName] + 1 : 1
public onMessageSend (message: Message): void {
let actionsMap = this.sendStats[TOPIC[message.topic]]
if (!actionsMap) {
actionsMap = {}
this.sendStats[TOPIC[message.topic]] = actionsMap
const actionName = ACTIONS[message.topic][message.action!]
actionsMap[actionName] = actionsMap[actionName] ? actionsMap[actionName] + 1 : 1
public onBroadcast (message: Message, count: number): void {
let actionsMap = this.receiveStats[TOPIC[message.topic]]
if (!actionsMap) {
actionsMap = {}
this.sendStats[TOPIC[message.topic]] = actionsMap
const actionName = ACTIONS[message.topic][message.action!]
actionsMap[actionName] = actionsMap[actionName] ? actionsMap[actionName] + count : count
private getAndResetMonitoringStats () {
const results = {
stateMetrics: this.getStateMetrics(),
errors: this.errorLogs,
received: this.receiveStats,
send: this.sendStats,
logins: this.loginStats
this.errorLogs = {}
this.receiveStats = {}
this.sendStats = {}
this.loginStats = {}
return results
private getStateMetrics () {
const result: any = {}
const stateRegistries =
for (const [topic, stateRegistry] of stateRegistries) {
result[TOPIC[topic] || STATE_REGISTRY_TOPIC[topic]] = stateRegistry.getAll().length
return result