Class RpcHandler

The entry point for RPCs, both requesting them via make(name,data) and providing them via provide(name,listener)


RpcResult make(String rpcName, Object data)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: rpcName
  typ: String
  des: The name of the rpc
  arg: data
  typ: Object
  des: Serializable data that will be passed to the provider

Create a remote procedure call. This requires a rpc name for routing, a JSON serializable object for any associated arguments and a callback to notify you with the rpc result or potential error.

RpcResult result = client.rpc.make("increment", 1);

void provide(String rpcName, RpcRequestedListener rpcRequestedListener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: rpcName
  typ: String
  des: The rpcName of the RPC to provide
  arg: rpcRequestedListener
  typ: RpcRequestedListener
  des: The listener to invoke when requests are received

Registers a RpcRequestedListener as a RPC provider. If another connected client calls make(name, data) the request will be routed to the supplied listener.

Only one listener can be registered for a RPC at a time.

Please note: Deepstream tries to deliver data in its original format. Data passed to make(name, data) as a String will arrive as a String, numbers or implicitly JSON serialized objects will arrive in their respective format as well.

client.rpc.provide("increment", new RpcRequestedListener() {
    public void onRPCRequested(String rpcName, Object data, RpcResponse response) {
        response.send((int) data + 1);

void unprovide(String rpcName)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: rpcName
  typ: String
  des: The rpcName of the RPC to stop providing

Unregister a RpcRequestedListener registered via Rpc provide(name,listener)