Class List

A List is a specialised Record that contains an Array of recordNames and provides a number of convinience methods for interacting with them.


Boolean isReady()

True if the list’s initial data-set has been loaded from deepstream

Boolean isDestroyed()

Return whether the list has been destroyed. If true it needs to be recreated via RecordHandler.getList(listName)

int version()

Return the list version. This is solely used within a RecordMergeStrategy

String name()

Return the list name

List addRecordEventsListener(RecordEventsListener listener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: listener
  typ: RecordEventsListener
  des: The listener to add

Adds a Listener that will be invoked whenever a discard, delete or error event occurs

List removeRecordEventsListener(RecordEventsListener listener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: listener
  typ: RecordEventsListener
  des: The listener to remove

Removes a Listener that was added via List#removeRecordEventsListener

List getEntries()

Returns the array of list entries or an empty array if the list hasn’t been populated yet.

List setEntries(List entries)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: entries
  typ: List<String>
  des: The recordNames to update the list with

Updates the list with a new set of entries

List removeEntry(String entry)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: entry
  typ: String
  des: The entry to remove from the list

Removes the first occurrence of an entry from the list

List removeEntry(String entry, int index)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: entry
  typ: String
  des: The entry to remove from the list
  arg: index
  typ: Int
  des: The index at which the entry should reside at

Removes an entry from the list if it resides at a specific index

List addEntry(String entry)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: entry
  typ: String
  des: The entry to add to the list

Add an entry to the end of the list

List addEntry(String entry, int index)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: entry
  typ: String
  des: The entry to add from the list
  arg: index
  typ: Int
  des: The index at which the entry should reside at

Adds an entry to the list at a specific index

boolean isEmpty()

Returns true if the list is empty

List subscribe(ListChangedListener listener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: listener
  typ: ListChangedListener
  des: The listener to add

Notifies the user whenever the list has changed

List subscribe(ListChangedListener listener, boolean triggerNow)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: listener
  typ: ListChangedListener
  des: The listener to add
  arg: triggerNow
  typ: boolean
  des: Whether to trigger the listener immediately

Notifies the user whenever the list has changed, and notifies immediately if triggerNow is true

List unsubscribe(ListChangedListener listener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: listener
  typ: ListChangedListener
  des: The listener to remove

Removes the listener added via subscribe(listener, triggerNow)

List subscribe(ListEntryChangedListener listener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: listener
  typ: ListEntryChangeListener
  des: The listener to add

Add a listener to notify the user whenever an entry is added, removed or moved within the list

List unsubscribe(ListEntryChangedListener listener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: listener
  typ: ListEntryChangeListener
  des: The listener to remove

Remove the listener added via subscribe(listEntryChangeListener)