Class EventHandler

The entry point for events, such as subscribe(eventName, listener), emit(eventName) and provider functionality such as listen(eventName, listener).


void emit(String eventName)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: eventName
  typ: String
  des: The event name

Sends the event to all subscribed clients without a payload.


void emit(String eventName, Object data)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: eventName
  typ: String
  des: The event name
  arg: data
  typ: Object
  des: The data to serialise and send with the event

Sends the event to all subscribed clients with the given payload.

client.event.emit("notifications", "example payload")

void subscribe(String eventName, EventListener EventListener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: eventName
  typ: String
  des: The event name
  arg: eventListener
  typ: EventListener
  des: The Event Listener

Subscribes to eventName and notifies the listener via EventListener whenever it occurs locally or remotely.

client.event.subscribe("notifications", new EventListener() {
    public void onEvent(String eventName, Object data) {
        // handle event

void unsubscribe(String eventName, EventListener EventListener)

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: eventName
  typ: String
  des: The event name
  arg: eventListener
  typ: EventListener
  des: The Event Listener

Unsubscribes from an event that was previously registered with subscribe(). This stops a client from receiving the event.


void listen(String pattern, ListenListener listen)” mode=“opensource / enterprise

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: pattern
  typ: String
  des: The pattern to match events which subscription status you want to be informed of
  arg: listener
  typ: ListenListener
  des: The Listen Listener

Registers the client as a listener for event subscriptions made by other clients. This is useful to create active data providers - processes that only send events if clients are actually interested in them. You can find more about listening in the events tutorial.

client.event.listen("users/*", new ListenListener() {
  public boolean onSubscriptionForPatternAdded(String subscription) {
    if (/* can provide */) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  public void onSubscriptionForPatternRemoved(String subscription) {
    // handle unsubscription

void unlisten(String pattern)” mode=“opensource / enterprise

{{#table mode="java-api"}}
  arg: pattern
  typ: String
  des: The pattern that has been previously listened to

Remove the listener added via listen(pattern,listener). This will remove the provider as the active provider and allow another provider to take its place.

client.event.unlisten("users/*", listener);