deepstream’s HTTP API provides access to a subset of the features available through the client libraries, by making simple requests to our secure HTTPS endpoint.

You can batch multiple fetches, updates and RPCs into a single request for convienience. Messages are counted on a per message basis, meaning a HTTP post that emits 3 events would count as three individual messages. However they do not affect your connection limit allowing thousands of devices to get or set your application on any plan.


If your chosen auth strategy is webhook, the auth endpoint allows you to send authentication data and returns a session token that can then be used for requests.

If you’re using open auth, you can just go ahead and make requests without a token.

Auth Request

The body is specified For details on possible authentication data see the authentication overview.

Example body:

  "email": "",
  "password": "y4b4d4b4d00"

Example request using cURL:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "type": "email",
  "email": "",

Auth Response

A successful response will have a 200 status code and a JSON body with the following properties:

Parameter Type Optional Description
token string false A generated auth token.
clientData object false Any client data specified for the authenticated user.

Example response:

  "success": true,
  "token": "aI2wYSh1FS_2WODD14bYZe1TfIyhAukl",
  "clientData": {
    "client": "data"

4XX status codes denote a failure, and will have a plaintext body containing the error message.

POST requests

POST requests allow you to batch an arbitrary number of updates or requests into a single message. Deepstream commands are encoded using the format defined below.

The maximum message size is 1 megabyte.

A token may be provided via the auth endpoint above.


Parameter Type Optional Description
token string false A valid auth token. Leave this out to use open auth.
body array false A non-empty array of commands.

Example body:

  "token": "d9GKJkkdsjyKJh832s69sg9dberbs6fd",
  "body": [
      "topic": "event",
      "action": "emit",
      "eventName": "stock-update",
      "data": {
        "apples": 40,
        "bananas": 100,
        "pears": 60
      "topic": "record",
      "action": "read",
      "recordName": "balance"

Example request using cURL:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "token": "d9GKJkkdsjyKJh832s69sg9dberbs6fd",
  "body": [
      "topic": "event",
      "action": "emit",
      "eventName": "stock-update",
      "data": {
        "apples": 40,
        "bananas": 100,
        "pears": 60
      "topic": "record",
      "action": "read",
      "recordName": "balance"


A response with a 200 status code will have a JSON body in the following format:

  • Note: a 200 response does not indicate that the messages succeeded. Be sure to check the “result” property in the response body.
Parameter Type Optional Description
result string false “SUCCESS” if all commands returned success, “PARTIAL_SUCCESS” if some failed, “FAILURE” otherwise.
body array false A non-empty array of message responses.

Example response:

  "result": "PARTIAL_SUCCESS",
  "body": [
      "success": true
      "success": false,
      "error": "Record read failed. Record \"balance\" could not be found.",
      "errorTopic": "record",
      "errorEvent": "RECORD_NOT_FOUND"

Poorly formed requests and authentication errors will result in a plaintext response, with an appropriate status code in the range 400…499.

Command format

All commands must have the properties “topic” and “action”, which define the operation.

Responses are typically have the following standard fields. Any others are defined below.

Parameter Type Optional Description
success boolean false Whether the command executed successfully.
error string true A description of the error that occurred (if any).
errorTopic string true The topic of the error that occurred (if any) e.g. “record”.
errorEvent string true The event corresponding to the error (if any) e.g. “RECORD_NOT_FOUND”.

Example response:

  "success": true

Emitting an event

If successful response means that the request was permissioned correctly.

Parameter Type Optional Description
topic string false Must have value “event”.
action string false Must have value “emit”.
eventName string false The name of the event subscription e.g. “frog”.
data JSON true A data payload e.g. { “obj”: 3 } or “string”.

Event example with numeric payload:

  "topic": "event",
  "action": "emit",
  "eventName": "lights-on",
  "data": 134.52

Reading a record

Parameter Type Optional Description
topic string false Must have value “record”.
action string false Must have value “read”.
recordName string false The name of the record e.g. “cities/hamburg”.


  "topic": "record",
  "action": "read",
  "recordName": "my-record"

Non-standard response properties:

Parameter Type Optional Description
version integer true The version of the record that was read.
data string false The current data that was read.

Example response:

  "success": true,
  "version": 2,
  "data": {
    "foo": "bar"

Record head

Get the current version of a record.

Parameter Type Optional Description
topic string false Must have value “record”.
action string false Must have value “head”.
recordName string false The name of the record e.g. “cities/hamburg”.


  "topic": "record",
  "action": "head",
  "recordName": "my-record"

Non-standard response properties:

Parameter Type Optional Description
version integer true The version of the record that was read.

Example response:

  "success": true,
  "version": 2

Creating or updating a record

Update a record. Records that do not already exist will be created.

The optional “path” property may be used to update only part of a record.

The “version” property may be used to ensure updates are not based on stale data. For an update to succeed, the version provided must be 1 greater than the current version (see head), otherwise a version conflict will occur.

Parameter Type Optional Description
topic string false Must have value “record”.
action string false Must have value “write”.
recordName string false The name of the record e.g. “cities/hamburg”.
path string true The record path.
version integer true The version to be written. Defaults to -1 (force write).
data JSON false The data to be set. If no path is set, this must be an object.


  "topic": "record",
  "action": "write",
  "recordName": "users/123",
  "path": "firstname",
  "version": 6,
  "data": "Bob"

Non-standard response properties:

Parameter Type Optional Description
currentVersion integer true On version conflict, the existing version.
currentData JSON true On version conflict, the existing data.

Example successful response:

  "success": true,

Example version conflict:

  "success": false,
  "error": "Record update failed. Version 6 exists for record \"users/123\".",
  "errorTopic": "record",
  "errorEvent": "VERSION_EXISTS",
  "currentVersion": 6,
  "currentData": {
    "firstname": "Alan",
    "lastname": "Smith"

Deleting a record

Delete a record from the cache and storage.

Deletion will succeed even if the record does not exist, but storage and cache errors may occur.

Parameter Type Optional Description
topic string false Must have value “record”.
action string false Must have value “delete”.
recordName string false The name of the record e.g. “cities/hamburg”.


  "topic": "record",
  "action": "delete",
  "recordName": "my-record"

Making an RPC

Making a remote procedure call.

Parameter Type Optional Description
topic string false Must have value “rpc”.
action string false Must have value “make”.
rpcName string false The name of the RPC to call.
data JSON true The RPC data argument.

Example request:

  "topic": "rpc",
  "action": "make",
  "rpcName": "add-two",
  "data": {
    "numA": 2,
    "numB": 5

Non-standard response properties:

Parameter Type Optional Description
data JSON true On success, RPC result.

Example response:

  "data": 7,
  "success": true

Querying Online Users (Presence)

Presence allows you to retrieve a list of user ids that are online.

Note: HTTP requests do not contribute to presence updates or queries. These details relate only to WebSocket clients.

Parameter Type Optional Description
topic string false Must have value “presence”.
action string false Must have value “query”.
names array true Array of user names to query for presence.

Example request for all users:

  "topic": "presence",
  "action": "query"

Non-standard response properties:

Parameter Type Optional Description
users array false An array of logged-in users.

Example response when querying all users:

  "success": true,
  "users": [

Example request for some users:

  "topic": "presence",
  "action": "query",
  "names": ["one", "two"]

Example response when querying specific users:

  "success": true,